Why should you fit a Chimney Cowl?
Strictly speaking, chimney cowls are an optional accessory for your wood-burning stove and open fires. However, in some conditions and locations they can be so useful as to be practically essential. There are a number of potential benefits to fitting a chimney cowl. They can prevent several problems and increase the efficiency of flue supplies.
There are many types of chimney cowl available, and they can be bought from most retailers of flue supplies. Some are specialised and designed to bring about one of the following benefits, while others may combine various features to provide a more complete range of advantages.
Improve Draw
Certain types of chimney cowls can improve draw and cause hot air and fumes to be more efficiently taken up by the flue pipe. For example, rotating chimney cowls improve draw significantly. However, these are designed specifically for flue systems that are suffering from weak draw. They should not be used on systems that do not have a problem, or they can cause your stove to overfire instead of being beneficial. If you want to increase draw more subtly, certain types of flue liner can help you achieve the desired effect.
Prevent Downdraught
In some areas and weather conditions, strong wind can create downdraughts. This can force smoke and fumes back down through your flue pipe. Downdraughts are problematic for several reasons. Pushing smoke back into the room can make the room uncomfortable and create an unpleasant smell, or even raise the risk of dangerous carbon monoxide exposure. It is also bad for the health of your stove and flue. Some types of chimney cowl are designed to prevent downdraught, eliminating these risks entirely. This type of cowl called ”Anti Down Draught Cowl”.
Keep Rain Out
Some flues are vulnerable to rain entering the system. Rain entering the flue system is not too much of a problem in the short-term but can raise big issues in the long term. When the stove is in regular use in the colder parts of the year, it will usually evaporate. However, rain from even occasional showers in warmer months can collect in flue systems or the stoves themselves. Eventually, this can lead to rust. However, a rain cap chimney cowl can completely eliminate the problem and keep your stove in good condition.
Prevent Birds from Nesting in your Chimney
Birds have a tendency to sometimes nest in chimneys, and this is more common than a lot of people think. Sometimes, this results in birds falling down into the wood burner itself. Having a distressed, flying creature in your house is a big inconvenience at best. Nesting can also cause your chimney to become blocked, creating problems for your stove and your home. A chimney cowl will prevent birds from entering your chimney and ensure they set up home somewhere safer.